Measured Building Surveys
Hillcrest Surveys Limited specialise in bespoke cost effective measured building surveys for a wide range of clients. Utilisation of high precision reflector less Leica instrumentation in tandem with Leica distos and laptop computers can provide real time information for each project. Surveys are always "connected" to external control networks to obtain pinpoint accuracy.
Elevations and Floor plans have been produced from small properties up to large commercial properties including “internet hotels” and historical buildings due for renovation.
Boundary Surveys
Hillcrest Surveys Limited can provide accurate plans for conveyance purposes for plots of land both large and small, and where necessary stake out and mark accurate boundary lines for land registry and legal purposes. Surveys may be positioned to local or Ordnance Survey National Grid by GPS Leica Smart Rover equipment.
Ferndown Golf Club covers an area of over 200 acres and is a recent example of this kind of work.
Volumetric Surveys
Hillcrest Surveys Limited is experienced in volume calculation of stockpiles of material and land fill sites. We can also provide "as constructed" volumes of concrete for floor areas both large and small. For example every floor at the New Wembley Stadium and The Westminster and Chelsea Hospital has been calculated for volume of structural material and flatness with visual representation by Isopachte Contour images.